A New Policy is an organization dedicated to transforming American foreign policy toward Israel/Palestine to reflect American values and foundational principles of liberty, equality, democracy, and human rights; advancing American interests abroad; and protecting American freedoms at home.

A New Policy works with Americans of all backgrounds to exert pressure on Congress and the Executive Branch to drive change, and to promote a hopeful, forward-looking vision that aligns with American interests and ideals; advances liberty, equality and human rights in Israel and Palestine; and promotes genuine, sustainable coexistence between the peoples of Palestine, Israel, and the wider Middle East.

A New Policy PAC, a political action committee affiliated with A New Policy, contributes to the campaigns of congressional and presidential candidates who support an equitable and just U.S. policy toward the Middle East, and who stand for the constitutional protections necessary to allow a free and fair debate at home.

America Needs A New Policy

America’s greatest successes on the world stage come when we center our interests and reflect our values in our foreign policy.

Today, when it comes to our policies in the Middle East, we see the consequences when America doesn’t prioritize its interests and doesn’t lead with its values. We see an America entangled in the domestic politics of a foreign government; complicit in a humanitarian catastrophe; and shedding allies and credibility on a daily basis. We also see an America torn apart by protests at home – protests that pitch students against administrators, employees against employers, and communities that have so much in common against each other. Bad policies abroad are becoming bad policies at home – policies that threaten our freedoms and divide our society.

Through a myopic, misinformed, and militarized approach to Palestine and Israel, U.S. policies sustain regional conflict, breed distrust and insecurity across the Middle East, forestall long-overdue reconciliation and peaceful coexistence between all of the peoples of the region, and poison the relationship between the peoples of the Middle East and the United States itself.

Polls increasingly show that most Americans prefer a U.S. policy toward Israel/Palestine that reflects American interests and advances the safety and equality of all people in the region. Yet there is a significant and widening gap between voters’ expectations and the policies pursued by successive administrations and most Members of Congress.

For these reasons and more, America Needs A New Policy!